Vodafone Malta Foundation supports a Fun Walk in aid of Dar tal-Providenza

The Vodafone Malta Foundation has recently supported a Fun Walk in aid of Dar tal-Providenza by providing eco-friendly bags to all the participants and a donation of €3,600 to the NGO. The donation was part of a sum collected through the Vodafone Employee Contribution Charity Scheme for 2012. Dar tal-Providenza was amongst one of three NGOs to whom Vodafone Malta Foundation donated this annual sum which is being contributed through the employees’ salaries towards different charities of their choice.

The Fun Walk, organised by the EkoSkola committee from the St. Ignatius College, Siggiewi Primary School saw a large number of children, together with their families and friends walk 6 kilometres from the Primary School to Dar tal-Providenza. Mass was celebrated after the walk and a donation of €1,006 was made by the children who collected a minimum donation from every family. The Fun Walk was part of the voluntary work planned for children attending Siggiewi Primary School for this scholastic year.

“Dar tal-Providenza has grown beyond recognition and is the leading provider of residential care for people with physical and intellectual disabilities. To continue functioning, it needs a lot of financial support and help. Through Vodafone Malta Foundation’s contribution we can ensure that those who are vulnerable in our society are given the care they deserve,” said John Spiteri, a Vodafone employee who also participated in the walk. “It is very encouraging to see young children supporting our community and through our donation we are living up to our committment to help and support the community we live in.”

“The children started preparing for this fun walk way back, preparing posters, online adverts and promotion through the media,” said a Doreen Spiteri from EkoSkola. “The fun walk turned out to be a very positive event and we would like to thank the Vodafone Malta Foundation for their support particularly in supplying eco-friendly bags for the day.. This helped our children understand in practice the environmental principles we endorse.”

EkoSkola is a project focusing on developing children into responsible citizens who can take care of both their natural and social environment. The EkoSkola committee has done plenty of work focusing on the natural environment that surrounds us. This year the committee chose to shift its focus to voluntary work. One of the projects of the committee included this fun walk in aid of Dar tal-Providenza, combining various aspects of EkoSkola namely, voluntary work in society, healthy eating, sports and reusing cloth bags.