Teachers and students from St Joseph’s Secondary School in Sliema do voluntary work at Id-Dar tal-Providenza
On Saturday, 12th March, 2016 a group of students and teachers from St Joseph’s Secondary School in Sliema visited Id-Dar tal-Providenza and spent time doing voluntary work. They earlier attended Mass and saw a video highlighting the history and work done at the Siġġiewi Home.
Prinvipal, Mrs Clarissa Fleri Soler praised the work done by Id-Dar tal-Providenza and made a donation of a €1,000 on behalf of the school teachers and students. Fr Martin Micallef, Director of the Home, thanked the students and teachers for their initiative that shows the good values of the school.
This activity is organised annually on the occasion of the feast of St Joseph, the patron saint of the school.