Festa ta’ Ġenerożita’ back on January 1st 2024
This year, ‘il-Festa ta’ Ġenerożita’ in aid of Dar tal-Providenza will be organised again
under under an installed canopy at the Dar tal-Providenza outdoor parking in
Siggiewi. This was announced by the director of ‘Dar tal-Providenza, Fr Martin
Micallef, during a Press Conference held this morning, 5th December 2023.
Il-Festa ta’ Ġeneroiżita’ will be broadcasted live on main local television stations
between 10:00am and midniht. At 9:30am, TVM2 will broadcast a Special Mass by
Mons Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna from the chapel at Dar tal-Providenza. During
the day, an auction for work of art will be held. Such work of art will be exhibited in
the main hall of ‘id-Dar tal-Providenza’. Interested parties may browse through the
whole catalogue on www.dtpauction.com. Online bidding will commence on the
15th of December onwards, on belgraviaacutions.com.
During the Press Briefing, Fr Martin Micallef emphasised that Dar tal-Providenza is
committed to keep offering quality service to its residents, as it continues to aspire
to keep improving as much as possible the quality of life of the same residents. He
emphasized that although the provision personalised services to residents is a
crucial element, the objectives of Dar tal-Providenza are to assist residents in to be
included in society, and also participate actively. Fr Martin explained in detail the
fees incurred by Dar tal-Providenza on an annual basis, which are required to
continue enhancing investment in human resources, purchase of new equipment,
maintenance, and new capital projects. All of such investment is ultimately
required to continue improving the services provided to its residents, and to launch
new homes in the community.
Il-Festa ta’ Ġenerożita’ on the 1st of Jannary is an annual event, where the
institution request the Maltese and Gozitan population for their financial
contribution. The institution requires more than €6.5 million annually to be able to
Ms Camilleri Cassano, Administrator at Dar tal-Providdenza explained how
donations can be done as from today until the 1st of January 2024 in a variety of
means: By Telephone: €10 – 51602012, €15 – 51702013, €25 – 51802014,
€50 – 51902085, €100 – 51302022 SMS €7- 50618922
One can also use Paypal or by Bank transfer on one of Dar tal-Providenza’s
accounts: APS Bank, BOV, HSBC, Lombard Bank, BNF Bank.
Additionally, individuals may place donations of more than €20 by means of a
cheque addressed to Dar tal-Providenza, Triq Lapsi, is-Siġġiewi SGW2822. It should
be noted that cheques of less than €20 value cannot be exchanged dfollowing a
directive issued by the Central Bank of Malta.
Other Donations may be received at the Office of Dar tal-Providenza, situated at
Triq San Pawl, il-Belt (behind the market), between 9:00am an noon; at Poala
Catholic Bookshop, and the Rabat Central Square during the days preceding
Christmas until the 1st of January 2024.
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