Eden Leisure Group donates €5,000 to Id-Dar tal-Providenza

Mr Simon De Cesare, CEO, and Ms Kate De Cesare, Chief Sustainability Officer, of Eden Leisure Group donated €5,000 to Id-Dar tal-Providenza. Fr Martin Micallef, Director of the Home, thanked the Group for its sustained support of the Home.

Eden Leisure Group is one of the considerable number of large and small companies and entities in Malta that encourage its employees to pass on a small contribution from their salaries to Id-Dar tal-Providenza as well as inspire other companies to do the same.

Employers can get more information on this act of solidarity by sending an email on info@dartalprovidenza.org. On their part, employees who wish to be part of this scheme may contact their HR Manager to encourage the company they work for to become part of the scheme.

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