Dun Mikiel Azzopardi remembered on the 35th anniversary of his death


“Mgr Mikiel Azzopardi, whose 35th anniversary of his death, is being remembered today, 13th of May, will remain for us a model for the love he showed towards persons with disabilities. He also showed courage. Courage strengthened with a tremendous faith in God’s providence and Dar tal-Providenza is proof of this”. This was the message conveyed by Mgr. George Frendo O.P., Archbishop of Tirana in Albania, during a commemorative mass for Dun Mikiel.

Archbishop Frendo was assisted by Fr Martin Micallef, Director, and Fr Trevor Fairclough, Spiritual Director of Dar tal-Providenza. Also present were the residents and employees. For the past two years, this commemorative mass was not held because of the restrictions in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mgr Mikiel Azzopardi, who founded the Home in 1965, was born in Valletta on the 10th of February and died on May 13th 1987, exactly 35 years ago.

In his homily, Mgr Frendo also addressed the Home’s employees and told them that their work wasn’t simply a job but it was really and truly a mission and a mission of love. He encouraged them to look at the face of every resident of the Home and see in it the face of Christ. This way their work wouldn’t just be an act of love, but would be, first of all, an act of faith. Faith in Christ, who in the Gospel told his apostles that he was the way that will lead them to truth and life.

This was the first official visit of Archbishop Emeritus, George Frendo at Dar tal-Providenza. He was shown around Dun Mikiel’s museum adjacent to the chapel, the therapeutic pool, the St Isidore Agriculture Centre, the SPRED Centre as well as the multisensory rooms.

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