Dun Anġ Seychell honoured with the Mons. Mikiel Azzopardi Award for 2024

At the parish church of Żejtun on Friday evening, Dun Anġ Seychell was posthumously given this year’s Mons. Mikiel Azzopardi Award for his huge contribution to the sector for persons with disability. This was announced by Fr Martin Micallef, Director of id‑Dar tal‑Providenza, as part of the annual concert by the band of the Armed Forces of Malta. Dun Anġ, a priest who hailed from Żejtun, dedicated his life towards others especially persons with disability whom he respected. So much so that he offered his own house for them to live in. With the founding of Fondazzjoni Nazareth, Dun Anġ ensured that the residential services he started offering will still be on offer for years to come.

The Mons. Mikiel Azzopardi Award was presented by H.G. the Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna to Ms. Muriel Grech, Director of Capital Projects at the Fondazzjoni Nazareth after Etienne Schembri, presenter for the evening but also Administrative Director of the Fondazzjoni read the biography of Dun Anġ.

Earlier on in his speech, Fr Martin said that we are on the threshold of a new year, a year during which id-Dar tal-Providenza will be celebrating its sixtieth anniversary. We are also on the threshold of the Jubillee of Hope. In his proclamation of the 2025 Jubillee, Pope Francis proclaims social works as id-Dar tal-Providenza, as works of hope. He defines inclusive services given by these institutions or organisations as an “anthem for human dignity, a song for hope.”

Fr Martin added that whilst we look back at these last sixty years of work of id-Dar tal-Providenza we, as a society, as a Church, as individuals can truly say that the Home was, still and will hopefully remain an “anthem for human dignity, a song for hope.” During these sixty years, id-Dar tal-Providenza offered hope to around 270 persons with disability by offering them a residence, in a family-like environment, a safe enviroment and above all an environment that respects their dignity and rights.

Fr Martin ended by saying that the Home has offered hope and still thus not only to those needing a permanent residency but also to those persons with disability and their families that needed respite service, amongst other services. May the Jubilee of Hope contines to fill us with verve so that in the coming years we continue, as Pope Francis says, “to open up our doors with a welcoming generosity, so that no one will give up hope of a better life.”

The concert, which was under the direction of the band’s Musical Director and Maestro, Major Jonathan Borg, included vocal and instrumental works by well known foreign composers as well as Maltese composers Tano Monseigneur, Ray Magri and Sgt Gilbert Camilleri whose musical work ‘Refuġju’ was dedicated to Staff Sergeant Tony Lautier who died last September at the age of 60 years. There was quite an emotional monent when Ssgt Camilleri presented Mrs. Lautier with the sheet music of  ‘Refuġju’ together with a memento of her late husband.

Following the presentation of mementos to various participants at the concert, Archbishop Charles Scicluna recalled and praised the work of Dun Anġ Seychell in the disability sector and urged Maltese and Gozitans alike to give their unstinted financial support during the Festa ta’ Ġenerożità on new year’s day as they have always done in the past.

Photo: Ian Noel Pace, Archdiocese of Malta