Make a Donation

Agricultural Products

At St Isidore’s Agricultural Centre one can buy agricultural products prepared by a group of residents of Id-Dar tal-Providenza.

Valletta Office

On 13 September 2013 Id-Dar tal-Providenza has opened an office in Valletta where benefactors can donate money to Id-Dar tal-Providenza in cash, by cheques or by credit cards.

The office address is: 244 St Paul’s Street, Valletta (Behind the Valletta market)

Opening hours Thursday to Saturday from 9:00am to noon.

Volleyball Marathon

Id-Dar tal-Providenza organises the annual BOV Volleyball Marathon, 53 hours of continuous play on the first weekend of July.

The purpose of the marathon is to raise funds so that id-Dar tal-Providenza keeps striving for the improvement of the quality of life, the holistic development and social inclusion of service-users.

It also aims to encourage voluntary work, sports and respect towards persons with disabilities who should be offered all the choices and opportunities that every citizen has a right to enjoy.

The marathonl takes place in the car park of Dar Tal-Providenza, in Siġġiewi.

Those wishing to participate as players or volunteers for the next ediction of the BOV Volleyball Marathon can download the relevant application form or visit Application forms will be made available on line between April and May.

Id-Dar tal-Providenza Diary

Every year, Id-Dar tal-Providenza distributes in every household in Malta and Gozo a pocket diary containing information about Id-Dar tal-Providenza, and the daily and Sunday masses time table of all churches in Malta and Gozo.

The annual distribution is usually done by the end of October. Hence, those who do not receive it by November can call us on 21462844 or 21464915 or contact us by email on

A donation on Special Occassions

Many persons often organise an event to celebrate a special occassion (such as birthdays, wedding anniversary, etc) and instead of gifts they ask their guests to send a donation to Id-Dar tal-Providenza. Id-Dar tal-Providenza has Thank You Bookmarks which can be given to guests in appreciation of their donation.

If you want to make this noble choice on a special occassion, you can call us on 21462844 or 21464915 or contact us by email on

A donation to celebrate your wedding

The wedding day is surely a very important moment for an engaged couple. Preparations for this day start in earnest and well in advance. Amongst those things that couples generally think a lot about are the wedding souvenirs.

Lately, a new choice has been introduced, a beautiful and noble choice one must say, whereby instead of the wedding souvenirs the couple makes a donation towards an institution or voluntary organization such as Id-Dar tal-Providenza.

In view of this new alternative, Id-Dar tal-Providenza, has printed bookmarks specifically for those couples who make this choice so that they, in turn, can give it to their wedding guests.

If couple is interested in making this noble choice, they can call us on 21462844 or 21464915 or contact us by email on

Becoming a volunteer

Dar tal-Providenza welcomes volunteers whom we believe can enrich the life of our residents in so many ways, such as by widening their circle of friends, becoming faith companions, helping out in the day to day running of the homes (such as maintainance work, in the kitchen in the laundry), helping in our fundraising activities or by offering their professional skills.

Those who would like to offer a helping hand should download the relavant application form and send it together with the requested documents to our Volunteers Coordinator by post at Id-Dar tal-Providenza, Triq Lapsi, Siggiewi or by email to

Volunteer Application Form


Over long period of time, Dar tal-Providenza has been donated postage stamps (mainly local) and these have remained stored away. The number of stamps donated run into thousands and mainly include mint stamps and first day covers.

I have been entrusted to sort these out with the intention to attempt a fund-raising exercise. So far I can confirm that the lists attached are all available to philatelists at bargain prices.

So while completing your collection, you would be helping Dar tal-Providenza for much needed funds.

For further information you may contact me, Donald Pace Bonello, at Dar tal-Providenza on telephone number 2146 2844 or 2146 4915 on Monday and Thursday between 9:30 am and 12:30 pm. You can also reach me on email or on mobile 79537154

First Day Covers
Stamp Catalogue