Vocal and Instrumental Concert by the Malta Police Band in aid of Id-Dar tal-Providenza.

On Thursday 21st March 2024, the Malta Police Force Band hosted a concert of vocal and instrumental sacred music for Good Friday at St John’s Co-Cathedral in Valletta, in aid of id-Dar tal-Providenza.

This event featured the talents of Soprano Claire Caruana, Tenor Angelo Muscat, Harpist Dr Lydia Buttigieg, Violinist/Saxophonist/Singer David Joseph Sammut, Organist Dr Chris Role, and Pipers Stefan Mercieca and Joseph D’Amato. Lieutenant Mro Dario Salvi and Mro Anthony Cassar conducted the performance, adding their expertise and artistry to the evening.

Old Motors Club with fundraising event at Id-dar tal-Providenza

The Old Motors Club organised a fundraising event in aid of Id-Dar tal-Providenza at its Siġġiewi car park. At the end of the event a donation of €3,760 was presented to Fr Martin Micallef, Director of the Home. He, in turn, expressed his heartfelt thanks to the organisers for their financial support and their solidarity with Id-Dar tal-Providenza.

Festa ta’ Ġenerożità 2024 in Australia for Id-Dar tal-Providenza

On Sunday, 25th February 2024, the Friends of Providence House New South Wales, the official ambassadors in Australia for Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza in Malta, held the Annual Festa ta’ Ġenerożità at the La Valette Social Centre in Blacktown, New South Wales.

The MC of the concert and Treasurer, Ms Miriam Friggieri, warmly welcomed a crowd of approximately 250 Australian‑Maltese, inviting all to be generous during this year’s Festa ta’ Ġenerożità.

The fund‑raising concert opened with the Maltese and Australian National Anthems sung by Ms Katelyn Vella, a second‑generation Maltese singer and performer.

Mr Jim Borg, Co‑ordinator of Friends of Providence House New South Wales, warmly acknowledged and introduced the major sponsors of the event, specifically La Valette Social Centre who offered the use of their hall and their kitchen staff,  Breakaway Travel Blacktown as well as Mr Sistu and Mrs Maryanne Zammit.  The Consul General of Malta in New South Wales, Mr Lawrence Buhagiar  also attended the event and highlighted the importance of supporting the work of this charitable organisation.

The video message from Fr Martin Micallef, the Director of Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza, expressed the significance and impact the donations make firstly by ensuring that the organization continues to provide support and secondly by empowering those living with disabilities in Malta.

The performers for the event were Mr Joe Apap, Mr Charlie Muscat, Mr Martin Vella, Ms Katelyn Vella, and Ms Natasha Tatarinoff who entertained those present with various Maltese and English songs as well as the two young guitarists Noah Falzon and Jason Tran. The sound and light technician was Mr Ivan Cauchi.

During the intermission, attendees were encouraged to purchase raffle tickets to raise funds for Id-Dar tal-Providenza with the prizes being kindly donated by various sponsors. Mr Borg expressed his deepest thanks to the Committee, namely Rita O’Dwyer, Secretary, and Miriam Friggieri, Treasurer, and presented Certificates of Appreciation to the performers, the major and minor sponsors as well as to those who had assisted in supporting this event.

As a result of the generosity shown by the Maltese-Australian community in Sydney, the Festa ta’ Ġenerożità was a great success with the money donated to be presented to Id-Dar tal-Providenza to assist and support them to continue their important mission in Malta.

A special cheque presentation of all donations collected in Australia will be made at this year’s Volleyball Marathon to be held in Malta in July.

€2,400 raised from the Armed Forces of Malta concert in aid of id-Dar tal-Providenza

Brigadier Clinton O’Neill, Commander of the Armed Forces of Malta, presented the amount of €2,404.32 to Fr Martin Micallef, Director of id‑Dar tal‑Providenza. The amount represents donations made during the vocal and instrumental concert by the Band of the Armed Forces of Malta at the Metropolitan Cathedral of St. Paul in Mdina on December 1st 2023 on the occasion of the World Day for Persons with Disability. The Band, under the baton of its Musical Director, Capt. Jonathan Borg,  performed a full programme of music by Maltese and foreign composers.

Fr Martin thanked Brigadier O’Neill for this donation as well as for the support that the Armed Forces of Malta give to id-Dar tal-Providenza whenever the need arises.

Dar tal-Providenza residents with their own King Carnival float in Siġġiewi square on Monday

This year, residents of id-Dar tal-Providenza have worked on a King Carnival float with which they will be participating in a Carnival activity taking place in the Siġġiewi main square on Monday 12th February 2024 between 2.00pm and 6.00pm. The activity will include the participation of five dance schools as well as dancing by persons with disability attending the Mtarfa Centre. There will also be games for kids organised by the Siġġiewi Scouts Group whilst members of the Civil Protection Unit and the Police Corps will be exhibiting some vehicles they use in their daily work routines.

This activity, which will be in aid of Id-Dar tal-Providenza, is being organised by the Ħbieb tad-Dar tal-Providenza with the collaboration of the Siġġiewi Local Council.

‘Always a pleasure visiting this Home’ – The President of Malta, Dott. George Vella

‘It is always my pleasure to visit this Home and it is truly emotional seeing the attention given to the residents who live in this Home.’ This was expressed by the President of Malta, Dott. George Vella in comments made to the media following his visit, accompanied by his wife Mrs Miriam Vella, to Id-Dar tal-Providenza in Siġġiewi. This was his last official visit to the Home since his tenure of his 5-year presidency is nearing its end. The event began with mass celebrated at the chapel by the Director, Fr Martin Micallef and Mgr. Charles Cordina, Episcopal Vicar for Diaconia.

The President and his wife had the opportunity to chat with most of the residents and support workers that were gathered in the chapel and later in the main hall. They also visited the therapeutic pool, the agriculture centre St. Isidore, the gym as well as the renovation works being undertaken in one of the flats of Villa Papa Giovanni.

At the end of the morning’s visit, after lunch with members of the Home’s administration and a representation of the residents, the President responded to Fr Martin’s thank yous by saying that he strongly feels he should thank the Director as well as all the employees for their dedication and work in all the homes of Id-Dar tal-Providenza.

Id-Dar tal-Providenza hosts Cabinet Meeting

Today, Id-Dar tal-Providenza hosted a Cabinet meeting which discussed the voluntary sector with various representatives from different NGOs. Before the Cabinet meeting, the Hon. Prim Minister Dr Robert Abela met the residents and workers of Id-Dar tal-Providenza and could see for himself the services which the home offers.  The Hon. Prim Minister was welcomed by Fr Martin Micallef, the Director of the Home.

During the Cabinet meeting, Fr Martin expressed his appreciation, on behalf of Id-Dar tal-Providenza, that the Government chose the Home’s premises to hold this Cabinet meeting to discuss the voluntary sector.

He said that this reflects the Government’s appreciation for the service the Church in Malta offers especially in the social sector like the work done by Id-Dar tal-Providenza which offers high quality residential services to persons with disability.  The Home also gives the opportunity of volunteering to various persons who offer their time and energy to support this cause.

Fr Martin praised the fact that Malta is enriched with a lot of initiatives which all aim to be of service and improve various sectors of society. He also praised the fact that today the voluntary sector is being considered as a strategic partner in various sectors of the socio-economic development of our country.


MEP David Casa pays visit to Id-Dar tal-Providenza

The Member of the European Parliament, the Hon. David Casa paid a visit to Id-Dar tal-Providenza in Siġġiewi where he had the opportunity to meet up with the residents and see for himself the services offered by the Home. He spoke with the residents about his work in the European Parliament where he is presently the negotiator on a law that should continue to improve on the rights of persons with disability in all member countries of the European Union. He also thanked the employees of the Home for their work and dedication.

A new Collective Agreement for Id-Dar tal-Providenza employees

A new collective agreement has been signed between Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza and the General Workers’ Union (GWU).   The agreement, covering the period 2024‑2026, provides for better working conditions for all employees as well as a new structure and promotion opportunties. There is also a substantial improvement in salaries as well as various other conditions, it awards the development and training whilst it continues to strengthen family friendly measures. In its totality, this agreement strengthens the relationships of jobs at the Home for the next three years.

The agreement was signed by Fr Martin Micallef, Director of Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza and Mrs Riccarda Darmanin, Secretary of the Professionals, Finance and Services section of the GWU.  It was also signed by Ms Nadine Camilleri Cassano, Administrator of Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza, Mr Paul Micallef, Assistant Secretary of the same Section and Shop Stewards Mrs Karen Agius, Mr Miguel Grech and Mr David Muscat.  Present on behalf of the Archdiocese of Malta were the Director of Human Resouces Dr Rebecca Gatt, and the Administrator, Mr Michael Pace Ross.

After the signing of the Collective Agreement, Fr Martin thanked all those involved in the negotiations leading up to the signing of the Collective Agreement for the workers which were carried out in an atmosphere of mutual respect and a desire to continue improving on the working conditions and salaries of Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza employees. He added that the will to increase employees’ wages does not only reflect a sense of justice but also an appreciation of the commitment and great dedication of the Home’s employees.

Mrs Darmanin, on behalf of the Professionals, Finance and Services Section of the GWU, expressed her satisfaction at the way the negotiations took place where good will was shown by all which led to a satisfactory conclusion for all parties concerned. Dr Rebecca Gatt, on behalf of the Archdiocese of Malta, said that one has to appreciate the efforts made during the negotiations so that competence and experience of the present work force are recognised and at the same time new talent is attracted.

Those who would like a pdf copy of the new Collective Agreement in Maltese can send an email on info@dartalprovidenza.org. A printed hard copy can be collected from the reception as from Wednesday 24 January 2024.  Copies of the Collective Agreement in English will be availble as from 1 February 2024.  However one can ask for a copy of the salary scale only as from Monday 22 January 2024.

Id-Dar tal-Providenza which was founded in 1965 by Mgr Michael Azzopardi offers residential services to 115 persons with disability.  It employs 289 employees.

Festa ta’ Ġenerożità raises €1,520,517 for Id-Dar tal-Providenza

The people of Malta and Gozo have again shown their generosity towards Id-Dar tal-Providenza and expressed their solidarity by donating €1,520,517 during Festa ta’ Ġenerożità on new year’s day. The funds raised will help the Home to continue providing the best residential services to 115 persons with disability that live in its homes. These funds will also help the Home to finish the refurbishing and improvements of the environment for the residents of Villa Papa Giovanni in Siġġiewi where extensive renovation works have already been done during the past year.   At the end of the twelve‑hour televised marathon, Fr Martin Micallef, Director of the Home augered that the solidarity shown towards Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza on the first day of the new year will continue throughout the year with all those in our Maltese society who need support.

This year’s Festa ta’ Ġenerożità was broadcast from under the big tent purposely set up in the Home’s parking lot in Siġġiewi. It started off with a mass celebrated by H.G. The Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna in the Home’s chapel and went on till midnight. At the beginning of the celebration, which was attended by the President of Malta, Dott. George Vella and Mrs Vella, there was the traditional Christmas homily delivered by 10-year old Kate Prasel Caruana.

On again was the art auction – paintings, sculptures and ceramics – donated by various Maltese and foreign artists. Once again everything, including the bidding, was online and the sale of the works of art raised €39,042.

The Hon. Julia Farrugia Portelli, Minister for Inclusion, Voluntary Organisations and Consumer Rights who represented the Prime Minister Dott. Robert Abela, donated €25,000 from the Good Causes Fund.

As has happened every year, an appreciable number of parishes in Malta and Gozo organised special collections on new year’s eve and new year’s day that were then presented to Id-Dar tal-Providenza on behalf of the parish communities.

In his homily, Archbishop Scicluna focused on the five blessings that the national poet Dun Karm Psaila mentions in the National Anthem: wisdom, charity, health, unity and peace that should guide us through the year. He augured for peace in the hearts of all Maltese and Gozitans because whoever has no peace in his heart is a poor person whilst those embracing peace are very rich indeed.

In the concelebration, the Archbishop was assisted by Mgr Charles Cordina, Episcopal Vicar for Diaconia, Fr Josef Mifsud, Archpriest of Siġġiewi, and Fr Martin Micallef, Director, and Fr Trevor Fairclough,  Spiritual Director of Id-Dar tral-Providenza.