“Be a providence for someone else” – Fr Martin on his birthday

“On my birthday I want to thank God for the gift of life and the numerous graces he gave me during my life. I was brought up in a family with good values, He called me to serve him as a priest, met a lot of people who were an inspiration to me and received from them a lot of love. This year I thank Him in a special way for the healing of cancer.

The nicest gift you can give me for my birthday this year is that any one who can goes to donate blood at the National Blood Transfusion Centre in Gwardamanġa. When I was receiving treatment I needed three bags of blood. In actual fact, more than 30% of blood transfusions are done to patients at the oncology and hematology units. Cancer patient treatments may spread over a few years and, amongst others, this includes transfusions of various blood forms. I now know from personal experience what a difference one blood bag can make on the road to recovery from cancer. I also know that right now there is an urgent need of blood. Please don’t think twice and donate blood.

Donating your blood to someone you don’t even know who he or she is is a huge noble gesture. I thank those persons who anonymously gave me blood. The Lord will repay you hundredfold for your act of charity. Donating blood is also a sign of God’s providence. Be a providence for someone else.”


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