The Maltese nation generous once again with Id-Dar tal-Providenza

A record sum of €1,275,442 was raised during the New Year’s day Feast of Generosity organised  by Id-Dar tal-Providenza. The dry but rather cool  weather did not dampen the enthusiasm of the large crowds that made it to Siġġiewi during the day to make their donation under the big tent set up in the parking lot. Lapsi Road that leads to the Home is seldom this busy. As has now been the custom, various parishes in Malta and Gozo made special collections during church celebrations and presented them during the telethon.

The Director, Fr Martin Micallef, said that this year’s edition of the Feast of Generosity has once again shown the solidarity with and generosity of the Maltese people towards Id-Dar tal-Providenza. He said these funds will enable the Home to continue to provide a better quality of life for its residents.

The first official visitor was Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna who also celebrated Mass in the Home’s chapel. He encouraged all Maltese to continue respecting and defending the rights of persons with disability whilst also being generous towards the Dar tal-Providenza residents. He reminded everyone not to forget what St George Preca used to preach continuously that we need the Lord and there is no better way to do this than to appreciate more the Lord’s prayer.

Other visits during the day were made by the President of Malta, Mrs Marie Louise Coleiro Preca and her husband Edgar; Dr Chris Cardona, Minister for the Economy, Investment and Small Business who stepped in for the Prime Minister, the Leader of the Opposition, Dr Adrian Delia, the Parliamentary Secretary for the Rights of Persons with Disability and Active Ageing, Anthony Agius Decelis; Archbishop Emeritus, Mgr Pawl Cremona OP and Auxiliary Bishop Mgr Joseph Galea Curmi. Members of Parliament from both sides of the House and representatives of constituted bodies also made it to Siġġiewi during the day and also took time to answer the phones.

€29,487  were raised from the auction of various works of arts kindly donated by ninety-eight Maltese and foreign artists. The auction took place for the first time at the Parliament Building foyer in Valletta. It was held on the Thursday 20th at the end of a seven day long exhibition that was officially inaugurated by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Dr Anġlu Farrugia. Works of art that were not auctioned off were on sale at their original price during the News Year’s Feast of Generosity.

The live television broadcast started at 9.00am with Holy Mass and continued till just after midnight when the total sum collected during the day was announced. TVM2, ONE TV and NET TV took part for long stretches of the 15-hour televised marathon. This included entertainment provided by the top singers and musicians on the island that managed to create a festive family atmosphere under the big tent.

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