The Volleyball Marathon in aid of Dar tal-Providenza gets under way.

The President of Malta, H.E. Dott George Vella accompanied by Mrs Vella on Friday night inaugurated the 12th edition of the Volleyball Marathon that was absent for two years due the COVID-19 pandemic.

In a short address he mentioned the work done every day by Dar tal-Providenza that is still doing this with the same energy and determination of its founder Mgr. Mikiel Azzopardi. He congratulated the 40 players that for 53 long hours until midnight on Sunday will be challenging the high temperatures affecting the marathon.

The President said that this is an occasion in which the Maltese nation unites as one so that with its donations it provides the residents of Dar tal-Providenza with all thay they need for the best quality of life which is, after all, their right.

Also present were the Minister for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation,Mr Clifton Grima, Ms Graziella Galea, the Opposition spokesperson for Education and Sport and Ms Nancy Camilleri, Permanent Secretary at the Ministry for Inclusion, Voluntary Organisations and Consumer Rights.


Every night till Sunday night there will be entertainment provided on the main stage, food stalls and games for kids. The Marathon is being broadcast live on the main local stations as well as on the Home’s electronic site and Facebook page. Besides the 40 protagonist players of the Marathon there are around 200 Volunteers helping out during the event. The public may make a donation by calling the following listed phone numbers, by using the BOV Mobile Banking or PayPal or by using the Home’s online banking accounts with APS Bank, BOV, HSBC, Lombard Bank and BNF Bank. For more information kindly visit the Home’s website :

€10         5160 2011

€15         5170 2012

€25         5180 2013

€50         5190 2070

€100       5130 2044

Pledge Line: 2146 3686

BOV Mobile  7932 4834

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